Console Hacking 2008: Wii Fail
Is implementation the enemy of design?
marcan and bushing
Team Twiizers
Introduction: The Wii
Design goals:
- Cheap
- Sold at a profit
- Small, sleek, reasonably portable
- Backwards compatible with the GameCube
- Support for common standards
- "Always on" networking: WiiConnect24
Primary hardware overview
Improve and extend the GameCube
- IBM PowerPC 750CL "Broadway" @ 729Mhz
- ATI "Hollywood" GPU+DSP @ 243Mhz
- 24MB 1T-SRAM (MEM1) + 64MB GDDR3 DRAM (MEM2)
- Standard GameCube I/O (pads, memcards)
- 480p video output
- USB 2.0, SD, WiFi, Bluetooth
- 512MB NAND Flash (SLC)
- Modified DVD reader (Dual Layer)
- Security subsystem
Security architecture
Two custom processors
PowerPC 750CL "Broadway": Fast and insecure
- No OS! Games run on "bare metal". Fast and cheap.
Hollywood: ATI Graphics, peripherals, memory, "IO Bridge"
IO Bridge is a NEC ARM926 SoC: "Starlet"
Hollywood (photo by Flylogic)
Security architecture
Two custom processors
PowerPC 750CL "Broadway": Fast and insecure
- No OS! Games run on "bare metal". Fast and cheap.
Hollywood: ATI Graphics, peripherals, memory, "IO Bridge"
- IO Bridge is a NEC ARM926 SoC: "Starlet"
- Runs a custom microkernel OS ("IOS") written by BroadOn
- Many features and drivers:
- Security and software DRM
- Drivers for DVD, SD, WiFi, USB, ...
- HTTP, SMTP, SSL, Bytecode VM ("CHANS")
- Runs while console is "off"
- All code is signed and authenticated by IOS
- All abstracted out - IOS is hidden behind APIs
Secure Boot process
Code is booted directly from an internal 512MB NAND Flash chip
- boot0: small (1.5k) bootloader mask ROM in Hollywood
- boot1: 2nd-stage loader (17k) in flash
- Verified against a factory-burned hash
- boot2: main loader (160k) in flash (mini IOS)
- IOS: ARM code (2MB) read from flash filesystem, running on Starlet
- Menu: PPC code read from flash filesystem, and pushed to Broadway
- boot2, IOS, Menu are signed using RSA
Multi-stage process reduces cost and increases flexibility
Software titles
- Channels, Games, WiiWare, System software are all titles
- A signed package of software, identified by a TitleID
- TMD: Title MetaData signs and describes the contents
- Contains SHA-1 hashes of the content files
- Permissions, group IDs, region locking
- eTicket: Your license to use the title (the key)
- Contains the encrypted AES key used to decrypt the title on installation
- The master key is stored in OTP ROM and hard to extract
- May contain time limits
- TMD and eTicket are signed using RSA-2048
- eTickets may be specific to one console
Wii Optical Discs (WODs)
- Modified DVD format (with physical anti-duplication measures)
- Discs contain multiple partitions (update, game)
- Partition data is encrypted using AES (and the eTicket key)
- Each block is hashed using SHA-1
- A hash tree traces each block to a master hash
- All data and game assets are signed and encrypted this way!
- The "root" signature is in the TMD
- The encryption key is in the eTicket
Custom micro-kernel OS designed by BroadOn (California)
- handles most I/O to Broadway
- talks to Broadway via an IPC interface
- provides high-level network API
- decryption / authentication of Broadway's code
- enforces POSIX-like FS permissions
- Games (Title IDs) are users, vendors are groups
- IOS tracks the current permissions of Broadway
- Broadway can't see system files
- Starlet controls Broadway boot and memory limits
- Modular architecture - modules run as isolated userspace processes
- Kernel runs on internal SRAM, userspace uses the top 12MB of MEM2
- Broadway can't use this area (it's protected)
All in all, this is a pretty secure system.
Breaking in: GameCube Mode
- GameCube software is totally unsigned, but runs in a sandbox
- The DVD drive is similar to the GameCube's
- GameCube drivechips were easily "ported" to the Wii
- GameCube homebrew possible via GC mode discs
- But sandboxed, no IOS running, no Wii features
- Wii always boots first into native mode, then reboots into GameCube mode
- GameCube mode uses the first 16MB of MEM2 (as ARAM)
Hack: Tweezer Attack!
- Upper 48MB is not cleared when entering GameCube mode
- Hardware register prevents Broadway from accessing memory
- Address lines of DRAM chip can be manipulated with hardware

- Possible to temporarily move 16MB "window" throughout DRAM
- Dump the entire 64MB to a computer for analysis (bit-banged joypad line)
- Hmm, there's IOS
- Whoops, and there's the keystore with all the keys
Per-console keys
- ECC private key
- ECC public certificate
- NAND AES key
Global keys
- Common key 0
- SD key
- Root certificate
- New common key 1 (Korean)
Key locations
- Hardcoded in IOS:
- SD key
- ab 01 b9 d8 e1 62 2b 08 af ba d8 4d bf c2 a5 5d
- Default common key 0
- eb e4 2a 22 5e 85 93 e4 48 d9 c5 45 73 81 aa f7
- One-time-programmable memory area (Hollywood):
- Common key 0
- eb e4 2a 22 5e 85 93 e4 48 d9 c5 45 73 81 aa f7
- ECC private key
- NAND AES key
- Serial EEPROM die (inside Hollywood):
- ECC public certificate
- Common key 1 (Korean only)
- 63 b8 2b b4 f4 61 4e 2e 13 f2 fe fb ba 4c 9b 7e
Inside IOS
- Isolated userspace processes
- Talk to kernel using system calls
- Privileged hardware access
- Process/thread management
- Talking to other processes
- Inter-process communication using standard calls
- open(), close(), read(), write(), seek(), ioctl(), ioctlv()
- Processes set up devices under /dev/
- ES (eTicket Services, /dev/es): application security
- DI (Drive Interface, /dev/di): DVD driver and crypto
- Many more...
- Broadway can issue inter-process calls too
- Appear to come from PPCBOOT process
- All RSA signature comparison is done by one function
- ES_VerifySign uses hardware SHA-1 engine, and software RSA
- Before loading content, TMD must exist containing SHA1 of that content
- SHA-1 of TMD is signed by Nintendo
- When validating TMD, IOS decrypts RSA signature to produce expected TMD hash
- Real TMD hash is calculated, and the two are compared
RSA primer
- RSA signature verification is very simple
- c = me mod n
- m: encrypted signature
- c: decrypted signature
- e: public key exponent
- n: public key modulus
- c is created by taking the SHA-1 of what is being signed, and prepending constant padding
- the padding is required to ensure the security of RSA
- Verification compares the resulting c with the expected c from the above calculation
RSA the Nintendo Way
- IOS starts off by performing the signature decryption
- Then compares only the SHA-1
- Ignores the padding!
- This doesn't break the security, but still a bad idea
- But the comparison looks strange...
1C 28 ADDS R0, R5, #0 ; R0 = signature_end
38 14 SUBS R0, #20 ; R0 -= 20
99 02 LDR R1, [SP, #SHA1_calc] ; R1 = SHA-1
22 14 MOVS R2, #20 ; R2 = 20
4B 0F LDR R3, =(strncmp+1)
47 98 BLX R3 ; strncmp(SHA1_sig, SHA1_in, 20)
- strncmp: a string comparison
- This bug is present in boot1, boot2, and IOS!
Hack: Fakesigning
- RSA: 0e mod n is 0 for any e and n
- All zero input means all zero output!
- This means that the SHA-1 that IOS compares is all zeroes too
- This will compare equal to any SHA-1 that starts with 00
- Bruteforce it!
- Change some bytes of the data until the SHA-1 starts with 00
- Fakesigning lets us:
- Use unsigned games
- Install an unsigned System Menu
- Install unsigned IOSes
- Install an unsigned boot2
Hack: Twilight Hack
- Savegames are exported to an SD card signed with the console's private key
- We can extract the keys, so we can sign any savegames too
- Exploit a stack buffer overflow in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Direct execution to a stub inside the savegame
- Load a loader from another file in the savegame
- Loader reads an executable from an SD card
- Easily run arbitrary Broadway code
Life of a typical exploit
- You find a bug
- You use the bug for a while
- Vendor fixes bug
- GOTO 1
Life of the Twilight Hack
- You find a bug
- You use the bug for a while
- Vendor tries to detect exploit and remove it
- Vendor botches the detection
- You keep using the same tweaked bug
- Vendor really detects the exploit this time
- Vendor botches the detection again
- You keep using the same tweaked bug
- ??????????
- Multiple versions of IOS are stored in flash for compatibility
- When booting a game, the System Menu loads its requested version
- this is okay, as long all versions of IOS are secure
- When IOS reloads, it forgets the current state
- When DI opens the disc partition again, it sends the TMD and eTicket to ES
- Permissions are established according to the currently inserted disc
- ES sets up the new permissions
- This is a private ioctlv in ES
Abusing DI_Verify
- ES doesn't check the requesting process!!
- We can run the same ioctlv from Broadway (as PPCBOOT) and pass in any TMD and eTicket
- Allows privilege escalation (sudo)
- Modify saved data of any title
- GroupID 0x00 is reserved for "system stuff"
- We can set this GroupID in the TMD and fakesign it
- Modify executable code of any title
- Extract secret keys or executables to downloadable applications (WiiWare/Virtual Console)
- We call this ES_Identify :-)
Abusing DVD Video
- Disc drive firmware (ROM) rejects non-Wii discs when loading games
- Can't write a warez loader, because you can't even read the disc
- DVD Video commands left in firmware, to support potential DVD Video channel
- IOS will not let you use those commands ... unless you set a magic bit in TMD
- Result: Homebrew ability to play DVD Videos without firmware patching
- Result: DVD-Rs look a lot like DVD Video discs, so someone wrote a warez loader
- Tried to inform Nintendo about this, they responded by harassing us
- Moral: Don't bother
Vendor Response
- First unsigned code demonstrated: Dec. 2007
- First optional fix for strncmp bug: 21 Mar. 2008
- Near useless, limited to one new IOS
- First operational fix for strncmp bug + Twilight Hack "fix": 16 Jun. 2008
- Limited to System Menu IOS, easily bypassed; hack fix is a failure
- First near-complete rollout of strncmp fix: 23 Oct. 2008
- Fairly effective against VC piracy
- Second Twilight Hack fix attempt: 17 Nov. 2008
Crypto Problems
- Bug in signature verification (hash check)
- Keys stored in external GDDR3 RAM in cleartext
- Memory not cleared when entering GameCube mode
- Signatures verified at installation time only
- Chain of trust easily breakable via raw NAND access
Broadway API Problems
- Broadway code can reload IOS
- Broadway code can call private IOS functions
- Read/write encrypted flash at low level
- Identify using TMD/eTicket
- Poor parameter verification in syscalls
- Poor caller process checks in syscalls
- Latent DVD-mode code
Procedural problems
- Long testing cycles
- Unwillingness to talk to security researchers
- Left boot1 unpatched for a year
- "knee-jerk" bugfixes (fixed irrelevant holes without improving architecture)
- Two different teams working on software -- poor communication?